Hoppec Coat 801 AC

 Hoppec Coat 801 AC



HOPPEC COAT 801 AC is a two-component acrylic resin-based coating, slip-resistant, designed for outdoor surfaces. It creates colorful outdoor floors that are easy to clean. It enhances the durability of both new and old floors alike. It preserves the floors, enhances their hardness, and deeply penetrates them. Available in cylinders of 25 kg capacity and barrels of 200 kg capacity, it can be stored for up to 12 months.

  • Hoppec Coat 801 AC One-component acrylic resin based, slip resistant coating for outdoor surface.s
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web.Products Applications

Hoppec rubber flooring products are used in many applications like aerobics and exercise floors. Our products have multipurpose surfaces used for sports and other activites One of our very important applications is the Sports. We offer different kinds of tiles and rolls that are ideal for fitness, cardio, weight lifting, functional training, yoga, and shooting rooms.

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